Amy Miranda Ministry
No one would have guessed that young Amy who loved music, her family and going to church would one day become Sydney – an exotic dancer who fueled her lifestyle with drugs and sex. But her path from the small town of her birth to the mean streets of moral compromise was fast and furious until an event in Canada led her back home to God and Family.
Now, as a Pastor and motivational speaker, Amy’s story inspires countless women who feel lost, ashamed and unforgiven. Her message sets people free to accept their God-given, authentic selves and embrace a new life of confidence, joy, and love.
Rev. Amy Miranda boldly shares her story so that others may be open to the power of God’s intentions for each of our lives, no matter the darkness of past experiences. Her presentations reach beyond the 'motivational' message to
to touch the truth that lies dormant inside women like her who lived with regret and shame, not able to open their hearts and minds to God's unlimited forgiveness and acceptance.
In her inspirational book, "From Prostitute to Pastor," Amy documents the details of her remarkable transformation so that her message can reach beyond her speaking engagements to women everywhere who feel beyond the reach of redemption and love.
Far from the harsh spotlight of her former life, Amy now lives in Northern California with her loving husband, David, and their two adult children. The family supports Amy's wide-ranging ministry as she travels to share her transformational message and bring hope to others whose guilt continues to define their lives.
Amy's Story
From the Spotlight to God's Light